Wednesday, October 30, 2013

So The Universe, It's Pretty Cold Right?

Hey Guys!

That is all. :)

Ghostly Shape Of Even Colder Parts Of The Universe

The Hubble space telescope has been in outer space for quiet some time now, capturing the most breath taking pictures of space for about 23 years. Recently, Hubble captured this photo of the coldest place in the universe, at a mere ONE kelvin degrees ( mind you, absolute zero is where ALL things come to a complete stop, so yeah, one degree more is still pretty cold!) More On This Cold Place

The Boomerang Nebula, called the “coldest place in the 

Some More Things Equally Cold... Or Should I Say, " Cool "

This Is Basically A Whole Store Of Things I Find Cool

Somethings That I Found Extremely Amusing

Hey Guys!
If you have the time, this is going to be a video post, full of videos of sloths, Science, And something i find cool!

As you guys have probably figured out, i have a thing for sloths. i mean look at this....

I too, believe you can fly Mr.Sloth!

So Much To Know! Vsauce is such a great channel, full of science and just plain interesting facts.... Names!

So, im sure were used to grammar nazis all over the internet,,, but this is taking it to the next level...

The Common Cold, The Invincible Cold.

Hey Guys!

So Halloween is around the corner, Who/ What will you be Going as for that free candy? Comment below!

I might be going as a sloth, i mean look at this thing!

........Sooo majestic 

The Common Cold and How Science Can't Do A Thing.

No, these are not a couple of peas.... Actually These are two computer generated models of rhino-virus, or commonly know as, THE Common Cold.  

Two faces of the common cold. The protein coat of the
 “missing link” cold virus, Rhinovirus C (right), has significant
 differences from the more observable and better studied
 Rhinovirus A. Those differences explain why no effective 
drugs have yet been devised to thwart the common cold.

Best College Half Time Show Ever! 

Baby Sloths, Monkeys That Purr, And Items I Find Cool!

Hey Guys!

Whats better than one sloth? Two Sloths. Now, whats better than two sloths? That's right, two baby sloths.

So The Monkey Goes Meow Right?
 The Caqueta titi monkey.
 Recently, some scientist went into the amazon, and what they found were incredible! They managed to catalog about 441 NEW SPECIES. Including this little guy, the Caqueta Titi monkey, one of 20 different Titi Species, being the only on that purrs as a baby.

So, I was browsing for things to buy for my brothers birthday, i came across allllll of these really cool items

My kind of pillow!

Eat some food off a cloud.. serving tray

Were your signature!

Homer Simpson would love this

Have A Conceited Cat?


Been Away For Far To Long

Hey Guys!

    Sorry I haven't kept this blog up to date, ive been very busy. But, non the less....

The Sloth of the Day!

Sciency Stuff!

So, you know how Australia has A Lot of weird and extremely dangerous creatures? Well, this ones actually kind of friendly! Scientists recently discovered this new species of hump back dolphins of the coast of Australia... so new in fact, scientist have yet to name it!

A new as-of-yet unnamed species of humpback dolphin 
is shown off the coast of northern Australia.

Have You Guys Heard Of Desert Bus? 

I came across this game the other day, and i have to say this game is interesting.... you basically sit there and drive a bus from coast to coast. and thats it. Definitely a game for people who have A LOT of time

For All You People With All The Time In The World

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Welcome to Slots, Science and Things I Find Cool!

Our Sloth of the week!

Today in science, A couple of crazy students made this crazy new substance. This substance is basically a "Transparent Artificial muscle", able to carry ion charges, not the typical electric charge. whats crazy about this is: 
1. charged ions are the electricity of the human body...And this substance has no problems carrying it.... 
2.This Ion Conductor can be stretched to many times their normal area. Without increased Resistance

 Jeong-Yun Sun and Christoph Keplinger, Harvard University
, demonstrate here, two major advantages of ionic conductors 
are that they can be very stretchy and completely transparent,
 two properties difficult to achieve with electronics. 

(Credit: Photo by Eliza Grinnell, SEAS Communications.)

They reason i find this amazing is the fact that this new "Transparent Artificial Muscle" can be just that, a muscle. The medical applications are endless. Artificial Organs and limbs meshed with this material, to create something that will put us in a new age of medical science.

Something Cool:

( Cross your eyes, and try to make three pictures and the image should appear as 3-D. This is a stereoscopic)